KUCHING: Birdhouse owners in Sarawak are advised not to be worried about China’s Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) requirement for the export of bird’s nests .Malacca Bird’s Nest Merchant s Association president John Chen said the RFID requirement was only for the processing of the nests and not the birdhouse. He added that RFID was only needed if the bird’s nests were for export to China. I hope that Sarawak birdhouse owners are not worried about the requirement and to support the Federation of Malaysia Bird’s Nest Merchants Association president Datuk Tok Teng Sai in helping those in the industry.” He said Tok would join Malaysian Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar to Naning, China, for the signing of the protocol for entry of cleaned bird’s nests into China. Chen said that firstly the protocol was for the acceptance of five per cent clean product export and the second was for the 95 per cent raw material export. At the moment, the deal with China is for the clean product export with 30 ppm nitrate levels. The RFID tag allows a product to be easily tracked from the source to the consumer. The tag contains a microchip embedded with details about the harvest. The federation has 27 registered bird’s nest association members, of which four are from Sarawak.
在Sarawak(沙捞越)的燕舍农主不用担心中国对RFID的要求。Malacca燕窝商业副主席John Chen说RFID的要求主要是针对燕窝的处理过程,而非燕舍。并且只有出口到中国的燕窝才需要RFID。他说,我希望Sarawak的燕窝农主不要担心这项要求,以支持马来西亚燕窝商联合会。他还说,Tok将和马来西亚农业与农基工业部部长Datuk Seri Noh Omar一起去中国南宁,签署相关燕窝协议。陈还说,这项协议首先是5%的清洗燕窝的出口,然后是95%的原始燕窝出口。现在,和中国达成的协议是出口的清洗燕窝亚硝酸压得含量小于30ppm。RFID标签可以使商品的从原产地到消费者中间的追踪变得十分容易。这个标签里面包含了一个微芯片,里面镶嵌了燕窝收获时候的具体细节和信息。马来西亚燕窝商业联合会里面有27个注册燕窝成员,其中四个来自于Sarawak.